you have to use 4 times as much glue as normal
Many are anxious about how to choose the best wallpaper for decorating walls with high humidity or fire hazards. Fiberglass, because of its unique properties, is one of the special types that wallpaper. It should be used to cover bathrooms, hallways, and kitchens.
Fiberglass has a strong, elastic structure that is resistant to humidity and temperature changes. Fiberglass wallpapers are not flammable so they won’t spread fire. Fiberglass wallpaper can come in a variety of styles and colors, so they are great for decorating bathrooms and kitchens. Fiberglass can be used in any room: living room, bedroom, or children’s.
Another time, we decided to renovate our home and chose a new wallpaper. After visiting the hardware store, I discovered that there was a different type of decorative glasvezelbehang aanbrengen coating – glass wallpaper for paint. So, naturally, we started to look for it, how it works and what it was. Here is the result of my analysis from information taken from many sources. These wallpapers are a reminder that manufacturers still see us as consumers and not just ordinary people.
It is a decorative wall covering that has a structure similar in design to fiberglass fabric. One type of glass is used for the starting material. The fibers are then pulled at high temperature to create yarns of different thicknesses. This yarn is then used to weave the material.
Special glass is made from only natural materials. This ensures that no chemical additives are used and provides high wear resistance. The fiberglass includes quartz sand (silica, lime, soda, and dolomite). Glass fiber is mostly produced in Germany, Sweden and other countries that are well-known for producing the best quality products.
“Cobweb”, a glass canvas painting is named after its exterior resemblance with a spiderweb. It can be used as both a decorative and reinforcing material in final preparation of the surface. When buildings shrink, cracks in plaster can appear. The fiberglass mat provides a smooth surface that eliminates the appearance of cracks. The cobweb provides strength for the coating paint and is non-burning. It’s also easy to use.
Gossamer differs from fiberglass because it has a lower density. Its purpose, however, is to smoothen the surface and create a “marble”. The “gossamer,” which looks more like a flat canvas, is made from glass fiber wallpaper that is textured. Cobweb can be glued to ceilings, while glass fiber can be used as a finishing material for walls.
Glass canvas painting and glass fibre wallpaper are widely used in offices, hospitals, shops, restaurants and banks as well as in homes and apartments. Dependent on the paint quality and frequency of washing, service life can last up to 30 year. The paint can also be renewed as often as six times.
There are many types of glass fibers available. You can see a variety glass wallpaper patterns in the photo: leaf, rhombus and matting. It is possible to glue on many surfaces, including wood, metal, plastic and concrete. Large cracks can be sealed with a sealant, while porous surfaces should be primed.